Citizens’ electronic participation: a systematic review of their challenges and how to overcome them

OLIVEIRA, C. ; GARCIA, A. C. B. . Citizens electronic participation: a systematic review of their challenges and how to overcome them. International Journal of Web Based Communities, v. 15,  n. 2, p. 123-150, 2019. doi: 10.1504/IJWBC.2019.101042. URL:

Citizens’ electronic participation: a systematic review of their challenges and how to overcome them


  • Carlos Oliveira (UNIRIO)
  • Ana C. B. Garcia (UNIRIO)


The evolution of the internet and the popularity of the social media have brought new possibilities for citizens’ participation into government decision-making. Laws, in democratic countries, have enforced government’s data and process transparency. Nevertheless, the e-government research has demonstrated that citizen’s participation is still very low. This paper presents a systematic literature review of e-participation research addressing three questions: 1) what are the reasons for the low citizens’ participation?; 2) what is the role of the government in e-participation?; 3) what are the current approaches to promote e-participation? Although participation is a right for which the citizens should be fighting for, they have been neglecting to act. Researchers have indicated the government still plays a central role since information and opportunities flow through the government-controlled technological platforms. Nonetheless, there is hope, to initiate a virtuous cycle in which citizens control and expand popular participation, leading to a greater demand for government action.

Keywords: systematic review; e-participation; engagement.

DOI: 10.1504/IJWBC.2019.101042